Canal View to Rossy Bridge, Co Leitrim
Well constructed angling platforms on the bank in front of Canal View and then further along before Rossy Bridge provide comfort for anyone looking for a chance of scene. By all means choose your favourite method but with depths of about 3m and lots of silver fish, it is a perfect spot for pole or waggler fishing.
As with other sections of the canal in this area, bream, roach, skimmers and hybrids, are present in large numbers and there have been small club matches won with 30lb. On most days there is hardly a soul to be seen fishing on the canal and only in the peak summer holiday weeks are boats likely to be an issue.
Species: Bream, skimmer bream, roach, hybrids, tench, pike and perch Best baits: Worm, caster, bread, red maggot and corn
Popular methods: Waggler, feeder fishing or pole, both short and long. Local tackle shop: Shannon Tackle, Jamestown 00353 71 9624692 Access: Easy access with parking area
Directions: From Keshcarrigan take the R209 towards Fenagh and Canal View Restranat is on your right, the canal is on the left and obvious after about one mile.