St John’s Shore, Inniscarra Lake
Inniscarra Lake is massive, full of fish and offering shorelines and angling spots to suit everyone. St John’s Shore – often referred to as the Graveyard because of its proximity to a cemetery – produces consistent sport with and increasing range of silver fish. This stretch of bank is often used for the spring and autumn angling festivals and while the bigger catches are usually taken on groundbait feeder tactics, it is fair to say that fish can be caught on all methods. Please be aware that a fishing (weekly) permit is necessary costing €15 locally.
Species: Bream, skimmers, hybrids, roach, pike and perch
Best baits: Worms are a key bait but red maggots, caster and corn all work Popular methods: Groundbait feeders are the number one choice
Local tackle shop: The nearest are in the town of Mallow
Access: Parking is on a quiet lane overlooking the lake with gate access to the bankside meadow – please close the gate behind you.
Directions: From the village of Coachford take the Macroom road. After 0.8 of a mile measured from O’Callaghans Bar there is a left hand turn into a lane marked “Cul-de-Sac”. At the bottom of the lane the lake is in front of you. Park close to the hedge and use the iron gate into the meadow and the lake shoreline is obvious.